Since I've have been shooting NDP Fireworks for past two weeks, and ThePhotographyAcademy's Participants has been asking me "Hey Irene, which spot are nice & good for photoshooting and viewing of Fireworks?" So It inspires me to creating this Blogpost. Now, I'm sharing with Everyone the Public spots that are FOC and Bestest Spacious view for Fireworks. My TOP Picks are:
#1 : Esplanade Roof Garden
I heard some of the years on the actual day of NDP, Esplanade mall management may closed their Roof Garden access for safety reasons. However, for the NDP Preview on 1st August you'll still be able to access. For the Actual Day, you can be there early to try your luck.

# Gardens by the bay (East)
Gardens by the Bay (East) is Outside the city zone with a spectacular view of the City. If you choose and chope this place, you could probably get less human jam when you are on your way back. If you're shooting photos from here, in terms of Lenses Wide angle or Fisheye lens may not be too suitable. Best is to get non-prime lens to be able to play with the zoom for its Compositions and framing.

# Marina Barrage
Marina Barrage has this long stretch of slope to stand or sit right infront of the perfect cityview. You're advice to bring foldable chairs just in case you didn't manage to get a grass patch space to sit, atleast you can unfold your chair on the concrete floor and picnic while waiting for the Fireworks.

# Marina Bay Sands Open Plaza
MBS has one whole stretch of Land from Marina Promontory to Helix Bridge for Fireworks viewer to enjoy the view and scene. If you like the Fireworks to be really near you, this is the spot for you. On the actual day, the Security will usually block up the railing along the River due to safety reasons. It is still accessible for both NDP Preview and Actual Day, just that it is about 1m apart from the actual railing.

# The Merlion @ One Fullerton
To have unblock view at this Stretch, this area at One Fullerton is the foremost area you gotta chope space for. It is also a common Fireworks spot for all other yearly Festivals. Try to be there early because there's limited space in there, and you may be stuck along or on the Bridge from the other sides of the path from the MRT Stations.

Last but LEAST,
# Bras Basah Complex
This is a HDB Residential area, and it's not recommended for big group as it may be disturbance to the Residents there. Keep your group small and don't make too much noise, just watch and shoot the Fireworks and clear your litters when you are leaving the place. Be considerate.

Other than knowing the place to go, you'll have to know your plannings with the road blocks around. Think about what transportation to take, and think which route to go.
Here's the affected roads:
High Street, Coleman St, St Andrew's Rd, Connaught Dr, Fullerton Rd, Parliament Place, Stamford Rd, Beach Rd, Esplanade Dr, Marina Blvd, Bayfront Ave, Raffles Ave, Nicoll Highway, Stadium Dr, Stadium Blvd, Stadium Cres, Mountbatten Rd, Old Airport Rd.
Fireworks usually happens around 7.30 to 8.30pm randomly.
Jetplanes & Helicopter comes around 6.30 to 7pm.
Parachutes is even earlier than both of the above.
1st Aug 2015 is NDP Preview Show
9th Aug 2015 is Actual National Day Parade 2015
Hope these Information helps, Enjoy your next two weekends of Fireworks! =)
♥ Thanks for reading as always!
THANK YOU AH! 谢谢! Terima Kasih! ありがとうございました!
♥ Thanks for reading as always!
THANK YOU AH! 谢谢! Terima Kasih! ありがとうございました!