Top Photography Tips for Absolute Beginners

To some people, Photography is the most difficult thing they ever learn because there's just so many aspects of it to make one single photo looks nice and complete. There is numerous way you can take a photo, a good shot and a meaning shot that touches the heart. It doesn't take just a day to learn and practice them. First, learn the theory and second keep practicing. I firmly believe that everyone should learn some photography because it can improve your life aesthetically and make you happier. If you're an absolute beginner, here are some handful photography tips you can read:

1. The Exposure Triangle

Creating a balanced exposure with Aperture, Shutter speed, ISO isn't as easy for some people. It would take a lot of practice and experience to master this. It's a little science and maths altogether in one. Each of these manual settings affects each aspect of the image outcome, such as aperture controls over depth of field, iso controls exposure and highlights, and shutter speed control over the motion of the image.

2. The Rule of the Thirds

Most of the time, you can get a sense of whether a given photo was taken by an amateur photographer or someone with more photographic experience. The biggest giveaway is the composition. Compostion is the placement of every element in a Photograph. Great composition is the great soul of the photos. The easiest composition guide is the rule of thirds.
Imagine divide the shot into 3 section from both vertical and horizontal, then place your subject between the vertical and horizontal quarters of the picture. Those invisible lines in your mind, you will just got to remember it.

3. Try Different Perspective
One way to ensure all your shots doesn't look the same or rather refreshing is to keep changing angles, perspectives, elevations, and distance. Everyone knows our usual viewpoint is direct in front of our eyes, do you squat to shoot a photo because a lower angle may emphasize on the subject better or climb a ladder for a top-down view? You'll be surprised to see how beautiful are daily subjects when you play with different perspectives.

4. Minor Post-processing
Post-processing is necessary but not too much. Things that you should do in Photoshop when necessary are cropping, angle adjustment, brightness, contrast, highlights, shadows, basic temperature & color adjustments such as white balance, minor saturation, and sharpness.

5. Shoot Everything, Shoot Often 
Photography is an art which can be done in many ways, it enhances the beauty and charm of daily subjects as well as freeze moments and memories for some event or people. It must be accurate to capture a perfectly meaningful shot that consists of emotions and moments which cannot expressed by words. Through practice, you'll know what to set for the exposure triangle, as well as composition and other aspects that are needed to get such a shot.

6. Don't rely on Gears and Apps 
Well, gear sometimes matters but not something you should be worried about when you're just starting Photography. A skilled photographer can produce great photos with a mobile phone, and unskilled photographer can't even take a legit shot on a high-end DSLR. Knowing the equipment is important, however knowing how to produce a good and artistic shot is the foremost. There is limitation to equipment, there are no limitations in the mind.


♥ Thanks for reading as always!

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