Remember the other time I made my first chiffon cake at Learning Artz Baking school @ The Grand Stand? I'm backed here for good!

Basically I'm here to learn how to make Taiwan's version of Galaxy Drip Cake (璀璨蛋糕) and of course taught by Taiwan Chef Peter Chen who was invited by Learning Artz to come on board to share his knowledge with us.

As usual, the Lesson starts with Teacher Peter Chen showing us how to do every single step, as well as explaining to us the ingredient used. Followed by a free & easy question & answer while he shows us the steps and After that, we had our hands-on.

Firstly, of course, is building the foundation of the cake. Lots of chocolate involves. Yummy!

Once it's ready, it's Baking and shaping time!

Cream it in the middle of each stack and...

Once our cake base is almost ready, we are all good to go with colours mixing!
Playing with colours is one of the most interesting aspects in baking class.
Before the colours come into the picture we'll need to apply the cream first.

It suppose to be blue base, and lay over some white and yellow.

As you can see, I think I totally failed this part of the lesson. Haha.
My colour became turquoise but it still looks like-able to me, so it's fine.
Once again, applying the cream is really not my kind of thing.
I've made some kind of mess there.

It's the making of coloured chocolate dip for decoration on the cake.
Teacher Peter Chen demonstrating how we should do it.

Next, adding it to our cake:

Adding some white chocolate dip to our almost done cakes.

The final result of the cake:
I know my cake doesn't look appealing at all... unlike the Teacher's perfection cake but luckily it's still edible.

It's packing time! Same goes for the previous lesson, All Participants can bring home their own decorated Cake. I'm packing it home for breakfast!

If you would like to learn Baking from Learning Artz, here's their details:
[SHIFTED] Blk 465 Crawford Lane #02-16 Singapore 190465
(corner unit directly above Tai Hwa Eating House at Blk 466)
(corner unit directly above Tai Hwa Eating House at Blk 466)
Opening Hours
Tues & Thursday 10.30am-6pm
Wed, Fri & Saturday 10.30am-5.30pm
Wed, Fri & Saturday 10.30am-5.30pm
♥ Thanks for reading as always!
♥ Thanks for reading as always!
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