I can never imagine online life without emoji because there are many frequent used emoji that express speechless words and expression so well. For emoji lovers, now you can explore Pop-up display of emoji at Marina Square!

It's FREE and you can take photos of each individual themed pop-up emoji station for as long as you want!

Mark your calendar for 31st May to 16th June 2019 at the Central Atrium of Marina Square. If you miss this out, not to worry... it moves over to the Marina Foyer between 17th June - 31st August 2019.

There are many funny and interesting photo-taking stations suitable for both "influencers" who love taking their OOTDs shots as well as parents who want to take great photos of their kids with nice and meaningful backdrop.

Hop in this big pool of balls where the ball pit station is, get the cutest and cooler backdrop you can ever have!

If you want to grab the rare chance to meet the human life-sized emoji mascot, be sure to be there every Saturday and Sunday between the 1st - 16th June at 3PM and 7PM to meet the ghost, heart eyes and poo emoji.

Visit #MSQKnowYouremoji, post on Instagram and Stand a chance to win exclusive emoji™ premiums! There will be a total of 6 qualifying sessions, with 5 winners per session. Each winner receives 1 cushion and 1 tote bag with different designs for each round.

♥ Thanks for reading as always!
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