Having to realized that I'm one of a history victim of a secretly filmed incident makes me feel miserable, however seeing baby steps of improving mental stressing gives me glimpse of hope.
Our body are so vulnerable, to some of us our body is just a system function that runs our life and in our flesh. But to some, it's lust and temptations.
I am the type who, finds myself in panics until I found a toilet or any place to hide and then change. I never like to show too much skin. I feel most comfortable in my usual long pants / leggings and long-sleeve jackets or t-shirt. I refrain to go to places / events when I need to wear less clothing.
The only time I would took off my clothing is when I change my clothes or shower. That is when the tragic happens.
I would also acknowledge that is partly my fault for trusting a friend way too much. Trusting is a strong word and trust is earned when actions meet words. I've always thought this way: friendship should be a pairing of equals, equal respect, equal loyalty, equal chemistry and every gender suppose to be equal too. What is your perception on this?
I will take my words back, especially boys and girls friend should never be treated the same way. As many who have came up and told me "Boys will be boys", you can never get really comfortable with them because they don't look at you like the impression of what other girl friends think about you.
One of my biggest regret is not realizing earlier that there were many people everywhere that are like this. They are probably not someone you can easily judge with their motives but it's nightmare when you realized how sick this can be.
I was numb, scared and confused. Very aware all of a sudden, of the vulnerability of my body. Nudity bothers me, Being seen, by itself, makes me feel unsafe. I couldn’t let myself down again to not doing anything. I tried everything but nothing was able to help, not even the law. I feel hopeless, I couldn’t look at myself like before... my confident just crashed. It's not my fault for being filmed, it's my fault for trusting but most people only blames the victims. That was not the worst part. The more I said about the incident, the more nightmares stabbed deep into me. I start to move away from people, I start to lacked trust for the people around me. My memories and my attention were the things I was most afraid of.
The man who hurt me didn't certainly get a harder life, but I'm struggling because of his perverting cause. To some people, their response would just be it's only you being seen naked by one guy... no big deal. A photo or video is recorded and at least can be duplicated infinity and pass on for a decades. Easily said for some people. It took me months of devastation before coming back to a recovering state. It was so stucked when there was just sadness, grieve and no improvement for months.
We're raised by our asian parents who taught us that our body shouldn't be exposed to others. Most of us have never felt comfortable showing our own body to other people. This is also something I believe for a long time. Until I was really afraid, and tried to find the recorded shower footage that was secretly filmed by my guy friend.
There are many people who are willing to show their body and these people exchange nude footages in the same online group chat and call it as "collection".

There are more than one chat group doing this exchange, and have other platforms doing such exchange too. The best of all, most of it are FREE. There are also some people who are selling it in collection bundle or earning as a subscription package and they feed you with monthly quantity of such footages and content for the price you pay.

Not only do they look all over your body, but they know who you are, your names and etc. Isn't this scary?

There may also be some people who don't know that they are secretly filmed and being posted in the group chat.

There are no sympathy, there are only lust and selfish people in it. If you kind of remember Monica Baey's incident, she was brave to do the right thing which was to speaking up... so probably law will imrprove / change and find justice for the victims. Hopefully less people will get this kind of treatment too.
Some people weren't worrying about how she feels, or how this would affect her in the future. Because all people wants is for themselves, as you can read below:
It's definitely something that I would prefer not to talk about again and the reason why I'm sharing this is because if you're anything just like me, I won't want it to happen on you. We don't realize or look into these things when it doesn't happen on us, at least that's for most people around me.
I am sharing my experience so it can lead to preventive measures for some of you and the people around us.
Final Words & Prevention
1) Keep a look out when you strip before removing your clothing anywhere, even the toilets.
2) Always ready to get all Evidence, because the law may not necessary help you if the evidence are not enough to prove. Read about such law before hand is good.
3) Stop uploading Pretty / Sexy selfies especially the ones visible with your face details.
4) Never send your naked or revealing photos / videos to anyone.
5) Never trust 100% for guy friends. (this may be subjective, but it's up to you)
Please share this post so your friend can escape and get rid of Perverts too.
♥ Thanks for reading as always!
Since you’re here, why not read "Insta-Worthy Places in Singapore"
Our body are so vulnerable, to some of us our body is just a system function that runs our life and in our flesh. But to some, it's lust and temptations.
I am the type who, finds myself in panics until I found a toilet or any place to hide and then change. I never like to show too much skin. I feel most comfortable in my usual long pants / leggings and long-sleeve jackets or t-shirt. I refrain to go to places / events when I need to wear less clothing.

The only time I would took off my clothing is when I change my clothes or shower. That is when the tragic happens.
I would also acknowledge that is partly my fault for trusting a friend way too much. Trusting is a strong word and trust is earned when actions meet words. I've always thought this way: friendship should be a pairing of equals, equal respect, equal loyalty, equal chemistry and every gender suppose to be equal too. What is your perception on this?
I will take my words back, especially boys and girls friend should never be treated the same way. As many who have came up and told me "Boys will be boys", you can never get really comfortable with them because they don't look at you like the impression of what other girl friends think about you.

One of my biggest regret is not realizing earlier that there were many people everywhere that are like this. They are probably not someone you can easily judge with their motives but it's nightmare when you realized how sick this can be.
I was numb, scared and confused. Very aware all of a sudden, of the vulnerability of my body. Nudity bothers me, Being seen, by itself, makes me feel unsafe. I couldn’t let myself down again to not doing anything. I tried everything but nothing was able to help, not even the law. I feel hopeless, I couldn’t look at myself like before... my confident just crashed. It's not my fault for being filmed, it's my fault for trusting but most people only blames the victims. That was not the worst part. The more I said about the incident, the more nightmares stabbed deep into me. I start to move away from people, I start to lacked trust for the people around me. My memories and my attention were the things I was most afraid of.
The man who hurt me didn't certainly get a harder life, but I'm struggling because of his perverting cause. To some people, their response would just be it's only you being seen naked by one guy... no big deal. A photo or video is recorded and at least can be duplicated infinity and pass on for a decades. Easily said for some people. It took me months of devastation before coming back to a recovering state. It was so stucked when there was just sadness, grieve and no improvement for months.
We're raised by our asian parents who taught us that our body shouldn't be exposed to others. Most of us have never felt comfortable showing our own body to other people. This is also something I believe for a long time. Until I was really afraid, and tried to find the recorded shower footage that was secretly filmed by my guy friend.

There are many people who are willing to show their body and these people exchange nude footages in the same online group chat and call it as "collection".

There are many self-performed masturbate videos and there were also many leaks mostly are from their loves ones, boyfriends, husbands or their trusted friend that they sent these footages to.

Some photo / video content was also downloaded online by keyboard warriors perverts and sent through to the chat group. If you haven't realized what are your pretty and sexy selfies are leading to, you may be possibly stalk by all these people.

There are also some upskirts and secretly filmed home / hotel / public toilets footage sharing across the platform. Some people in the chat group have also requested for more or full "collections".

I believe it keeps them really rich because there are demands, however who will feel sorry for the victims? Being seen, shared, insulted and gets nothing? All we asked for is just not being filmed. Nothing else.

In this chat group, it's not just about sharing footages / photographs of the victims. The victim's nude that was shared were also mentioned with their social media accounts names & links, which is very nuisance.

Not only do they look all over your body, but they know who you are, your names and etc. Isn't this scary?

It's already very traumatic for the victims who knows they are being harmed. It's even worst that they are being seen my the entire world full of perverts. It's even much worst when these pervert go and disturb their social media accounts and personal life.

There may also be some people who don't know that they are secretly filmed and being posted in the group chat.

There are no sympathy, there are only lust and selfish people in it. If you kind of remember Monica Baey's incident, she was brave to do the right thing which was to speaking up... so probably law will imrprove / change and find justice for the victims. Hopefully less people will get this kind of treatment too.
Some people weren't worrying about how she feels, or how this would affect her in the future. Because all people wants is for themselves, as you can read below:

It's definitely something that I would prefer not to talk about again and the reason why I'm sharing this is because if you're anything just like me, I won't want it to happen on you. We don't realize or look into these things when it doesn't happen on us, at least that's for most people around me.
I am sharing my experience so it can lead to preventive measures for some of you and the people around us.
Final Words & Prevention
1) Keep a look out when you strip before removing your clothing anywhere, even the toilets.
2) Always ready to get all Evidence, because the law may not necessary help you if the evidence are not enough to prove. Read about such law before hand is good.
3) Stop uploading Pretty / Sexy selfies especially the ones visible with your face details.
4) Never send your naked or revealing photos / videos to anyone.
5) Never trust 100% for guy friends. (this may be subjective, but it's up to you)
Compare to Korea's Spycam incident, Singapore isn't that bad. However, Crimes that are not appearing on the news or not known doesn't mean it did not happened. There are many people who prefer to be quiet because it's really not anything we're proud of. I was once afraid that he may share the footage because I mentioned once about what has happened on Facebook and many should know by now. But I'm no longer afraid.

He is definitely not a friend who is worth to stay in my life.
It's good that I'm recovering and I'm still hoping that the law will change to go against voyeurism.Please share this post so your friend can escape and get rid of Perverts too.
♥ Thanks for reading as always!
Since you’re here, why not read "Insta-Worthy Places in Singapore"