How we behave as humans is a complex process

It's a little different from what I usually blog about, perhaps because this is my downtime. Self-reflection and awareness are going on in me a lot at the moment. 

Over the past five years, things have flown through my life. I'd say it's not well, but it's okay and bearable. PTSD hit me once and it hit me again in this loop of five years in my relationship. 

The fact that I didn't understand a single thing about humans or myself during this downtime was overwhelming. As a result of these painful times, I have learned a great deal about psychological aspects.

Are you overwhelmed by the differences that exist between people (humans)?

After living for over 30 years, I realized humans are much more complicated than we think. What's so complicated about it? Over 37 trillion cells make up the average human's body and there are 200 types of cells. Human brains are the most complex systems in the universe. The structure has a high degree of connectivity. Approximately 86 billion neurons are estimated to be present in the human brain. It's a scientific fact.

Today, life is not as simple as it once was, and humankind has evolved and becomes more complex. It is not just about personality traits, behaviour, and habits, but also lifestyle, practices, mental states, etc.

There are no species on earth that is as complex as a human being. In the beginning, people were simple. Then they used their brains, invented things, formed societies, and colonized. As they discovered new ways of living, they began observing their surroundings.

This article will describe the things and aspects that have shaped us into what we are today, in order for you to discover a little more about yourself and perhaps become the person you want to be. While also learning more about the people around you (who are probably unaware of what they are doing in their lives). Disclaimer: This is based on my experiences or what I have learned from studying psychology. This is not my area of expertise or certification. If you need to, take it with a pinch of salt. It's just my opinion.

Each of us is formed differently, such as these aspects:


(1) Personality Traits

Other than doing the Myers-Briggs indicator (MBTI) 16 Personality Traits, there are different ways to identify your personality traits. Here are 16 Personality test, which includes:

  1. ISTJ: Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging

  2. ISFJ: Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging

  3. INFJ: Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging

  4. INTJ: Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging

  5. ISTP: Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving

  6. ISFP: Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving

  7. INFP: Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving

  8. INTP: Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving

  9. ESTP: Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving

  10. ESFP: Extraverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving

  11. ENFP: Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving

  12. ENTP: Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving

  13. ESTJ: Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging

  14. ESFJ: Extraverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging

  15. ENFJ: Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging

  16. ENTJ: Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging

These 16 personality types represent unique combinations of the four dichotomies: extraversion/introversion, sensing/intuiting, thinking/feeling, and judging/perceiving. MBTI helps individuals understand their own personalities, as well as teams and organizations, and identify how different personality types can complement one another.

It is different ways to categorize human personality traits, but one of the most well-known and commonly used frameworks is the Five-Factor Model, which identifies five personality traits. These are the Big Five traits:

  1. Openness: being curious and imaginative, and appreciating novel experiences and ideas.

  2. Conscientiousness: the tendency to be responsible, organized, and reliable.

  3. Extraversion: being outgoing, sociable, and assertive.

  4. Agreeableness: the ability to cooperate, empathize, and be compassionate with others.

  5. Neuroticism: the tendency to experience negative emotions like anxiety, worry, and moodiness.

Despite being called "personality types," these traits are actually on a continuum, meaning that most people fall somewhere in the middle rather than at one extreme or the other. Personality is influenced by many factors, including genetics, upbringing, and life experiences.


(2A) Human Behaviour - Part I


People are classified into four behavioural styles based on the DISC model: Dominance (D), Influence (I), Steadiness (S), and Conscientiousness (C). Each style is briefly described below.

  1. Dominance (D):

    People who score high on dominance are assertive, decisive, and competitive. In order to achieve goals and achieve results, they can appear direct and even blunt in their communication style.

  2. Influence (I):

    People with high influence tend to be outgoing, enthusiastic, and persuasive. It is common for them to be natural leaders, enjoy being around people, and can be characterized as charming and talkative.

  3. Steadiness (S):

    It is common for people who score high on stability to be patient, reliable, and cooperative. They value stability and security and are attentive listeners who are sensitive to others' needs.

  4. Conscientiousness (C):

    Analytical, detail-oriented, and disciplined people tend to score high on conscientiousness. They may be considered organized and methodical in their communication style, and they value accuracy and precision.

Individuals and teams at work/school often use the DISC model to identify potential growth and development areas based on their communication and behavioural styles. DISC is a useful tool, but personality is complex and multifaceted, and no one model can capture all aspects of human behaviour.


(2B) Human Behaviour - Part 2

Behaviours in Colours (Inspired by the Book: Surrounded by Idiots)

Thomas Erikson's book "Surrounded by Idiots" describes different behavioural styles using a colour-coded system. Erikson describes four types of colour-coded behaviour in his book:

  1. Red:

    A person who exhibits "Red" behaviour is often described as assertive, decisive, and action-oriented. Impatient or blunt, they tend to be direct and focused on results.

  2. Yellow:

    In general, Yellow behaviour is characterized by outgoingness, socialness, and enthusiasm. They are often natural communicators and enjoy being around people, but they can be perceived as scattered or unfocused.

  3. Green:

    A person who exhibits green behaviour is often described as patient, calm, and empathic. It is likely that they value harmony and cooperation and are good listeners, but they may also avoid conflict or difficult conversations.

  4. Blue:

    Analytical, detail-oriented, and systematic are often characteristics of people who exhibit "Blue" behaviour. Precision and accuracy are important to them, and they may be described as methodical or perfectionist.

In some ways, Erikson's colour-coded system is similar to other personality models, such as the DISC model, but has its own unique approach and language. Many people have found the book useful for improving their communication and relationships, as well as better understanding themselves and others.


(3) Mental State

At different times, people can experience a variety of different mental states, including:

  1. Emotions:

    Emotions are intense feelings that can be triggered by internal or external factors. A few examples of emotions are happiness, sadness, anger, fear, and surprise.

  2. Moods:

    A variety of factors, such as the environment, diet, and sleep patterns, can influence moods, which are less intense and longer-lasting than emotions. Anxiety, restlessness, boredom, and contentment are examples of moods.

  3. Thoughts:

    In addition to beliefs, attitudes, and judgments, thoughts are mental processes. Various factors, both internal and external, can influence them, whether they are conscious or unconscious.

  4. Perceptions:

    Perception is the interpretation of sensory information from the environment. Among these are visual, auditory, olfactory, and tactile sensations.

  5. States of consciousness:

    From deep sleep to alert wakefulness, states of consciousness refer to different levels of awareness. Through meditation, hypnosis, or drug use, altered states of consciousness can be induced.

  6. Mental illnesses:

    An individual's mental state, mood, and behaviour can be greatly affected by mental illnesses. Mental illnesses include depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and personality disorders.

It's important to note that these different types of mental states are often interconnected. People with depression, for example, may experience negative thoughts and emotions, as well as a low mood that persists over time. People who practice mindfulness meditation may experience increased positive emotions, improved perception, and altered states of consciousness.


(4) Human Energy

In psychology, human energy levels are often associated with a person's overall level of arousal or activation. Arousal can be defined as the physiological and psychological state of being awake and alert, and can be influenced by a variety of factors including sleep, exercise, and stress.

There are different theories that attempt to explain the relationship between arousal and human behaviour. Here are a few examples:

  1. Yerkes-Dodson law:

    According to this theory, performance increases with arousal, but only up to a certain point. Further increases in arousal can lead to a decline in performance after this point. For each task, there is an optimal level of arousal, and when that level is reached, performance will be best.

  2. Drive theory:

    According to this theory, an individual's level of arousal is linked to how motivated or driven they are to accomplish a particular goal. The higher the level of arousal, the stronger the motivation to achieve the goal.

  3. The optimal level of functioning theory:

    People are most effective and efficient when their arousal level matches their optimal level, according to this theory.

Mood, motivation, and self-regulation can also affect energy levels in addition to arousal. When someone feels motivated and focused, their energy levels may be higher, while when they feel depressed or anxious, their energy levels may be lower. An individual who is self-regulating may be able to maintain optimal arousal and energy levels throughout the day.


(5) Phobia/Fear

The way we react to certain situations can be significantly affected by psychological phobias and fears. The "fight or flight" response is triggered when we are confronted with a stimulus that triggers a phobia or fearful response.

An autonomic nervous system-controlled response involves physiological changes such as increased heart rate, rapid breathing, sweating, and muscle tension. A perceived threat requires us to respond quickly and effectively to these changes.

Phobias and irrational fears, however, are often exaggerated or unwarranted, and the fight or flight response is triggered even if there is no real threat. Symptoms such as anxiety and panic can result in avoidance behaviours and intense feelings of anxiety.

It is not uncommon for someone who is afraid of public speaking to experience intense physical symptoms such as trembling, sweating, and a rapid heartbeat when they have to give a speech or presentation, which can affect their ability to perform well.

These phobias and fears can have a significant impact on how the person reacts to situations, limiting their ability to engage in activities or situations that are necessary for growth.


(6) Genetics and Growing up Influence

Biological, psychological, social, and cultural factors influence human behaviour. Several other factors can affect human behaviour and reactions, including:

  1. Genetics:

    Human behaviour is influenced by our genetic makeup, which includes both inherited traits and genetic mutations. Some traits, such as intelligence and temperament, are strongly influenced by genetics.

  2. Developmental experiences:

    Childhood experiences, such as parenting style, relationships with family and peers, and exposure to stress and trauma, can affect how humans behave as adults.

  3. Environmental factors:

    Physical and social environments can influence human behaviour. For example, exposure to pollution or noise can affect physical health, while social factors like social support, socioeconomic status, and cultural norms can affect psychological well-being and behaviour.

  4. Social norms and expectations:

    Social norms and expectations can shape human behaviour by defining acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. These norms and expectations are learned through socialization processes and can vary by culture, gender, and other social categories.

  5. Cognitive and emotional processes:

    Human behaviour is influenced by cognitive and emotional processes, such as attention, memory, perception, motivation, and decision-making. These processes can be influenced by both genetic and environmental factors.

  6. Personality and individual differences:

    Human behaviour is also influenced by personality traits and individual differences, such as extraversion/introversion, conscientiousness, openness to experience, and emotional stability.

  7. Situational factors:

    Situational factors, such as time pressure, group dynamics, and social context, can also affect human behaviour by influencing the way individuals perceive and respond to stimuli and events.

These are just some of the key aspects that can influence human behaviour. The interplay between these factors is complex and can vary widely from person to person and across different cultures and contexts.


By understanding the psychological aspect of human beings, I was able to understand why some things didn't work out the way I expected. After all, we can only change ourselves, not others. Being self-aware can lead to behaviour change, and improving your behaviour can be challenging but rewarding.


♥ 𝗧𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗸𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝘀 𝗮𝗹𝘄𝗮𝘆𝘀! 

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